Chandragiri, Kathmandu
We are one, we are equal

Strategy & Approaches

Strategy & Approaches

The Human Rights and Peace Concern Society (HRPCS) is dedicated to advocating for human rights, promoting peace, and fostering social justice in Nepal. Through a multifaceted approach, HRPCS engages in advocacy, capacity-building, peacebuilding, legal advocacy, partnerships, and research to address human rights violations, resolve conflicts, empower marginalized groups, and promote inclusive societal development. By raising awareness, providing training, facilitating dialogue, and collaborating with various stakeholders, HRPCS aims to create a Nepal where human rights are respected, diversity is celebrated, and peace prevails. Through these efforts, HRPCS contributes to building a more just, equitable, and harmonious society for all.

By employing these strategic approaches, the Human Rights and Peace Concern Society endeavors to address complex social challenges, promote sustainable peace, and advance the cause of human rights in Nepal and beyond.

Advocacy & Awareness:
Engage in advocacy campaigns to raise awareness about human rights issues and promote policy changes at local, national, and international levels.
Peacebuilding & Conflict Resolution:
Facilitate dialogue and mediation initiatives to resolve conflicts and build bridges between conflicting parties.
Capacity Building & Empowerment
Provide training and capacity-building initiatives to equip individuals, especially youth and marginalized groups, with the skills and knowledge to advocate for their rights and participate in peacebuilding efforts
Legal Advocacy & Justice Reform
Offer legal aid services to individuals facing human rights violations and support legal reform efforts to strengthen the protection of human rights within the legal framework.
Partnerships & Collaboration
Collaborate with government agencies, civil society organizations, and international partners to leverage resources, share expertise, and coordinate efforts in advancing human rights and peacebuilding agendas
Target Group & Working Area
Marginalized Community
GESI (Leaving No One Behind)
Disaster Stricken People & Conflict affected people.