Chandragiri, Kathmandu
We are one, we are equal

Know Our Story

Human Rights and Peace Concern Society (HURPECS)

Welcome to the Human Rights and Peace Concern Society (HRPCS), an organization committed to advocating for human rights, promoting peace, and fostering societal harmony in Nepal. Established in Kathmandu, our society operates with a passionate dedication to upholding the principles of human dignity, equality, and justice. At HRPCS, we recognize the inherent worth and rights of every individual, irrespective of their background, ethnicity, gender, religion, or social status. We firmly believe that all individuals deserve to live in a world free from discrimination, oppression, and violence. Thus, our mission is to work tirelessly towards creating a more just, equitable, and peaceful society for all.

Our organization engages in a variety of activities aimed at advancing human rights and peacebuilding efforts. We conduct research, raise awareness, and provide advocacy on issues such as civil liberties, gender equality, minority rights, access to education and healthcare, and conflict resolution. Through partnerships with local communities, government agencies, non-profit organizations, and international bodies, we strive to effect positive change and promote sustainable peace and development.


To advocate for human rights, promote peace, and foster social justice in Nepal through awareness, empowerment, and advocacy.


To combat discrimination, empower marginalized groups, and advance peacebuilding efforts, fostering a society characterized by equality, dignity, and harmony.


A Nepal where human rights are universally respected, diversity is celebrated, and peace prevails through dialogue and cooperation.
Chairman's Message
Dear Friends, Supporters, and Advocates of Human Rights and Peace,

Welcome to the Human Rights and Peace Concern Society (HRPCS), an organization committed to advocating for human rights, promoting peace, and fostering societal harmony in Nepal. Established in Kathmandu, our society operates with a passionate dedication to upholding the principles of human dignity, equality, and justice. At HRPCS, we recognize the inherent worth and rights of every individual, irrespective of their background, ethnicity, gender, religion, or social status. We firmly believe that all individuals deserve to live in a world free from discrimination, oppression, and violence. Thus, our mission is to work tirelessly towards creating a more just, equitable, and peaceful society for all.

We believe that every person deserves to live a life free from fear, discrimination, and oppression. Whether it is through our advocacy efforts, peacebuilding initiatives, or capacity-building programs, we are dedicated to ensuring that the voices of the marginalized are heard and respected.At HRPCS, we recognize the inherent worth and rights of every individual, irrespective of their background, ethnicity, gender, religion, or social status. We firmly believe that all individuals deserve to live in a world free from discrimination, oppression, and violence. Thus, our mission is to work tirelessly towards creating a more just, equitable, and peaceful society for all.

With warm regards,

Salik Ram Kafle
Human Rights and Peace Concerns Society (HRPCS)